Menu overview

On the left side you will find the side menu. Via this navigation you can reach all areas of the application that are unlocked for you.


| Menu | | ——– | | Current | Currently advertised jobs and their status | | Applications | The area shows a sorted list of all available applicant profiles for a selected job posting. The selection of the respective job is changed in the app bar (Jobs). The default sorting shows the profiles of the applicants in order of their suitability for the advertised job. | Invitations | This area offers the possibility to send new invitations to applicants and to overview the invitations sent so far. The displayed invitations refer to the job posting selected in the app bar. | Jobs | In the “Jobs” area, new job postings can be created, and existing postings can be viewed and edited. |

In the side menu you can see the name and role of the user. You can select the desired language and get further information like the version.

For each page they are offered via the “question mark” at the page title hints that inform about the currently active page.

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