
Entrepreneurs are personalities who take action. Whether they discover opportunities or face problems, they do something. They have visions and usually act intuitively. What they want to achieve should make sense. They like to be reflected by a friend or partner.

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For diving into more details, a small pocket book is a good idea. Motivational analysis shows which basic needs are individually strongest. They influence our important decisions and show through emotions when they are over- and under-supplied. Emotions can be understood as appeals from the “inner team” to the consciousness to take good care of itself. When this succeeds, we are not only satisfied with ourselves, but also have the strength and peace of mind to support our partners, friends or colleagues.

This book describes how people with similar expression take care of their well-being. It is about individual strengths, learning, career, relationships and choices.

Paperback: The motivational type “entrepreneur”


    Most entrepreneurs strive to climb the career ladder, to be successful and to be able to decide as much as possible for themselves. They want to be able to shape their work freely on the basis of target agreements and clear framework conditions. The corporate culture should allow or even encourage people to try out new approaches and take risks. Successful entrepreneurs use the special experiences and skills that correspond to their personality, such as assertiveness and inventiveness.


    An entrepreneur looks at various alternatives when making decisions. With what can I better realize my visions? He looks at potential successes, profits, speed, independence, advancement. Basic needs provide further guidance for our decisions. If I want to assert myself, I have to be strong. Sports activities are important for me, where I can train my strength and win. I like fast cars. I don’t want to be blocked on my way by emotions, but in the end I want to achieve something that also releases positive emotions in all concerned.


    An entrepreneur learns through attractive, new examples, if these have to do with success stories or surprising solutions to problems, and through simple trial and error: “learning by doing”. Pictorial representations and films (visualizations) with challenging content are helpful. Each basic need has a particular way of learning. The assertiveness need would say about itself: I really enjoy adventures. That also applies to learning. I have to actively deal with things and give my imagination free rein.


    Entrepreneurs are positively motivated when they can face exciting challenges. To do this, they need freedom, sufficient reserves of strength and vision. When they want to achieve something, they use their expertise and empathy. Depending on the situation, the needs for belonging, security and recognition may also become apparent. Mostly, however, the desires to get ahead and be successful have the highest priority. Emotionally, they are characterized by the need for enforcement.


    As a complement to one’s own personality, it is important for the entrepreneur to have someone at his or her side to take care of order and regularity while ensuring that things move forward. For the need to assert oneself, it is important to be able to decide freely and then to be supported in an uncomplicated manner. Anything that restricts his freedom is perceived as a hindrance. Adventure and variety are also good for the partnership.


    An entrepreneur does well when his most important needs are served: Being able to develop freely, doing what is important at the moment without hindrance, experiencing adventure and enjoying success. Above all, this requires the freedom to determine one’s own actions in everyday life.