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Words are in their very nature simple labels (descriptions/labels). With these labels we express experiences with our senses and can distinguish these experiences by other labels. A label which is used to describe something from memory is a word. A collection of our word memories has formed an inner map over the years of our life. With this inner map, we take each word and interpret it in our own way. From this map, we use our words when we enter into communication with others. Each of us has this inner map, just as each of us has a fingerprint and DNA.

Words are therefore intelligible only to the extent that communicators agree on the meaning of the word. Each nation, each subgrouping, relies on the common experience that makes our common understanding possible (semantics). Within this understanding, each has its approach to words, their arrangement and their interpretation (syntax). Each language has its own challenges, but with the senses, we can understand the challenges.

Our senses are the body’s own mechanisms with which we perceive the world around us. We use all our senses to go through life. Each individual person has certain senses that tell him particularly much information. This area is then described particularly extensively in the inner map. This is expressed in language:

  • Let’s see …
  • Sounds good …
  • How does it feel …
  • I can smell that well …
  • I like the taste of that …
  • This is going in the right direction

All statements that express more or less the same thing, but have a different effect for everyone. These subtleties in communication make all the difference. It is important to use rich communication when addressing a wide audience. When speaking to one person, sensory-based communication can be used to create targeted effects.

The human senses are:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic table / mobility
  • Olfactory
  • Gustatory

These five sensory channels are called representation systems in NLP (Natural-Linguistic-Programming). Communication on the preferred sensory channel is more effective and is addressed by the submodalities. That is, which sense-oriented words should be used to walk the best-described path on the inner map. The knowledge and the words are described in the respective subchapters.