
Doers look at a situation, recognize connections and opportunities. Their logical judgment clarifies alternatives. Their intuition shows what to do. Then they get going. All this often happens very quickly. In discussions with partners, they gather information so that they can act even more efficiently in the future.

More details and information

For diving into more details, a small pocket book is a good idea. Motivational analysis shows which basic needs are individually strongest. They influence our important decisions and show through emotions when they are over- and under-supplied. Emotions can be understood as appeals from the “inner team” to the consciousness to take good care of itself. When this succeeds, we are not only satisfied with ourselves, but also have the strength and peace of mind to support our partners, friends or colleagues.

This book describes how people with similar expression take care of their well-being. It is about individual strengths, learning, career, relationships and choices.

Paperback: The “doer” motivation type