General workflow

Every leader of a work group can optimize the management of his team with MachtLytics-Management. The system helps to better understand the needs and motivations of the team members. Since they can also see a large part of the information and analysis, MatchLytics-Management promotes mindful communication in the team through transparency.

In case of a coupling with MatchLytics-Assessment, a work group leader can additionally view the motivation portraits of applicants to job advertisements for his group. The comparison overview provides initial information about the suitability of the applicants for the advertised position. Further information can be found in the documentation on MatchLytics-Assessment.

Detailed workflow

The following picture shows the simple, general process of working with MatchLytics-Management. 1. planning of the regular personnel/development discussions (these should be held by each manager/leader monthly - but at least quarterly - with all members of the team) 2. invitation of the members of the team to prepare a current motivation portrait according to TwentyFive in the run-up to the discussions 3. evaluation of the motivation portraits with the help of MatchLytics-Management 4. holding of the personnel/development discussions

Workflow MatchLytics Management

How does MatchLytics management help in the work process?

MatchLytics-Management tries to find the optimal work role for each employee in the team based on the individual motivation portraits. These analyses can be used when assigning work tasks in the team to achieve an optimal distribution that meets the motivations of the individual employees.

How does MatchLytics management help in team management?

The use of MatchLytics-Management promotes the exchange of opinions and views within the team by regularly conducting personnel and development meetings. As the leader of a work group, one quickly recognizes the individual needs and motivations of the employees. A balanced and mindful leadership of the team is thus supported.

Knowing the motivations of the team members helps to avoid and settle disputes. Their cause is often to be found in mutual lack of understanding. MatchLytics-Management can make these motivations transparent for everyone. “The others” thus become understandable and “calculable”. This can contribute to the fact that “the other” is no longer perceived by anyone as a threat, but rather as an enrichment.

How does MatchLytics management help with development conversations?

The motivational portraits and their evaluations contain a lot of information that should be taken into account when planning work tasks, career paths and roles in the team.

In addition, MatchLytics-Management presents the changes regarding individual motivations and needs in evaluations. A series of diagrams visualize these over the last four motivation portraits. Since the portraits are to be made regularly, changes are very well recognizable with it.

MatchLytics-Management nutzen

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