
An innovator learns through factually exciting examples (innovations), which he can try out as directly as possible after critical discussion. Pictures and films (visualization) as well as reading and individual work (answering questions) are helpful.

Each basic need has a particular way of learning.

The assertiveness need would say about itself: I really enjoy adventures. That also applies to learning. I have to actively deal with things and give my imagination free rein. In project work, I have the opportunity to generate new visions and ideas. Trying things out should at least happen in my mind’s eye as fantasy work. I write a script, so to speak, for a story in which knowledge plays a role. But, if it is possible, it is better to create, paint or film something myself.

Learning is from the perspective of needing recognition: I like to read or tinker with something. When my computer doesn’t work, I look for errors, usually find them, otherwise I just do some research. In the forums there is always someone who knows something. The best way to find out is by critical comparison. Trying. Testing. Remember the best approach. Keep watching to see if someone finds something better. It’s good if I can read up on the content somewhere, like I used to. Otherwise, I jot down a few keywords for later. Then I look on the internet at home for more information and maybe critical comments about it.