
Researchers are positively motivated when they are working on something out of the ordinary that is exciting and meaningful in the long run. They need time for research and for continuous improvement of their results.

When they want to achieve something, they use rationality and professional competencies. Depending on the situation, the needs for assertiveness, security, empathy and affiliation may also become apparent. Mostly, however, the desires for recognition and thoughtful, meaningful action have the highest priority.

Emotionally, they are characterized by the needs for recognition and cognition.

The recognition motive wants us to be seen and heard positively. It strives for individuality and wants to be proud of our own achievements. Therefore, we like to ensure quality in every respect and improve our skills.

The pursuit of knowledge is rational. It wants to recognize reality and the connections. This trains logical thinking. This part of the personality needs the right distance and the best point of view to be able to perceive things or events objectively.