
A coordinator compares alternatives with their own evaluation criteria. What meets my requirements best? He scrutinizes product or service descriptions, quality checks, expert opinions, comparative tests, critical reports.

Then he discusses his preliminary decisions with partners or friends. Which offer sounds best? He votes on ideas like conformity (does it fit us), general acceptance, fashion, trends, image.

Basic needs provide further guidance for our decisions.

Belonging: If I want to belong, I have to fit in. I dress in a way that also pleases my friends. I like products that are modern, and of course I’m also active on social media. A community is created through shared feelings. I am welcome in a group when I create a good atmosphere. For me, life is meaningful when I live in a community that has beliefs and values that I can accept and submit to. We have a common creed.

Recognition: If I want to be recognized, I have to be particularly attractive. It’s important to me to stand out from others. Whether it’s cars, outfits or tattoos, it should be something special. Whether it’s for the path I take or the goal I achieve, I want to be able to be proud. I only get recognition when I don’t trigger negative feelings. For me, a life that allows me to conscientiously follow my own path is meaningful. I want to make a valuable contribution that I can be proud of. My behavior should be exemplary.