
Specialists are positively motivated when they know the details and can be proud of their achievements. For this, they need clear guidelines and approving feedback.

When they want to achieve something, they use their attention and their professional skills. Depending on the situation, the needs for assertiveness, rationality, empathy and affiliation may also become apparent. Mostly, however, the desires for recognition and consistency have the highest priority.

Emotionally, they are characterized by the need for security and recognition.

The need for security provides protection and continuity. Security is the basis of life. Those who put themselves in danger without need will perish in it. This keeps us grounded. We want to grasp reality, are reliable and are committed to sustainability.

The recognition motive wants us to be seen and heard positively. It strives for individuality and wants to be proud of our own achievements. Therefore, we like to ensure quality in every respect and improve our skills.