
An integrator learns by adapting. He is looking for a common understanding, and he finds it in discussions with fellow learners. An integrator needs a good atmosphere, even music if necessary, to be able to devote himself to a topic. Everything that moves the group is interesting. We experience belonging by listening to each other. This is the easiest way to learn new knowledge or skills. Therefore, group work and personal conversations (dialogues) are helpful.

Each basic need has a particular way of learning.

The need to belong says: My advantage is that I can remember well what was said. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I listen. Then when I discuss it with others, it quickly becomes clear if I’m off base or if what I’ve understood is true. Yes, I think I learn best when I try to teach it to others. Take a paper, for example. When I prepare it, I talk to people internally and listen in my imagination to see if it resonates with them. It may sound strange, but I can talk to them about it in my mind and usually find an example that is coherent for everyone.