
A trainer proceeds logically. He evaluates information according to rational criteria. What is a reasonable decision? Transparency, research, analysis results, structural and logical developments are important.

Then he discusses his findings with partners or friends. Which offer sounds best? He votes on ideas like conformity (does it fit us), general acceptance, fashion, trends, image.

Basic needs provide further guidance for our decisions.

Belonging: If I want to belong, I have to fit in. I dress in a way that also pleases my friends. I like products that are modern, and of course I’m also active on social media. A community is created through shared feelings. I am welcome in a group when I create a good atmosphere. For me, life is meaningful when I live in a community that has beliefs and values that I can accept and submit to. We have a common creed.

Realization: If I am curious about facts, I should use the best media. Meaningful statistics are important to me. Of course, I need access to the latest research results. Effects emanate from emotions. Therefore, it is important to take them into account in all actions. Mental orientation is a question of reason. For me, a life based on the principles of truth makes sense. I want to recognize for myself what is right and wrong. I question rules of faith of all kinds if they are nonsensical.