
For a philosopher, learning is essential for survival. He simply needs to know how and why something is the way it is. In order to recognize backgrounds and connections, he likes to start from problem definitions that motivate him to analyze things and research possible solutions from different angles. Helpful are own sketches, graphics and excursions (sensory + motor).

Each basic need has a particular way of learning.

The cognition part has a simple opinion: I always learn when I am awake. I am simply a very curious person and want to recognize and know everything. Thereby I compare what is with what I expect and with what I have already experienced. Every difference is a new realization. I take note of something. If I want to feel something exactly, I take it in my hand, turn it back and forth. Everything has several sides, and I don’t want to miss anything. To learn I have to move, at least my hands, I walk up and down and also like to use an excursion before I draw, analyze and describe the realization.