
A designer learns by designing something. Ideal are human challenges with topics where he can try out solutions or alternative actions and emotionally experience their effect. Helpful are pictures and films (visualization) to stories or metaphors that allow identification (imagination, intuition).

Each basic need has a particular way of learning.

The assertiveness need would say about itself: I really enjoy adventures. That also applies to learning. I have to actively deal with things and give my imagination free rein. In project work, I have the opportunity to generate new visions and ideas. Trying things out should at least happen in my mind’s eye as fantasy work. I write a script, so to speak, for a story in which knowledge plays a role. But, if it is possible, it is better to create, paint or film something myself.

For learning, the empathy need means: I like to make myself comfortable. I like to incorporate the content to be learned into my experienced or invented stories. Sometimes I use quiet, meditative music to relax. Suggestopedia uses similar ways, I think. In any case, my learning thus becomes an inner event in which all feelings participate. I leave it to my unconscious, that is, to the personality parts or dream instances, to internalize new knowledge. I enter a situation inwardly, experience what happens or could happen and intuitively find the answers. I learn most easily through stories that I can make come alive within me.